Geek Philosophy Science Fiction Writing Writing Contests

NaNoWriMo 2017: A Success

Do you know what I like best about National Novel Writing Month? It really forces me to take the time to sit down and get a new idea out of my head and on paper. Well, not really paper but you get the idea. So far I’ve managed to get out four novels of at […]

Editing Life Musings Writing

Red Ink

I have a love / hate relationship with red ink. That seems really cliche, but the fact is that the red pen sits on the table in front me, and I imagine it is taunting me. See, the red pen is both critic and muse; a force for destruction and creation. The pen sits on […]

Life Musings Writing

Musings on Writing in a Cafe

I never really appreciated how sitting in a cafe can be conducive to the creative process before now. Before I saw them as loud, distracting things to avoid. But as I sit here, sipping Earl Grey and writing a book review, it strikes me how human it is. It seems to me that creative endeavors […]

Books Geek Jobs Literature Politics Writing

Ultimate Book Tag! and Other Things

First things first: I recently got hired at McLaren Greater Lansing as a Nurse Assistant. I am very excited about this job and I am eager to learn more skills. Everyone I’ve met so far at the hospital has been terrific, and I really believe that I’m going to enjoy my time there. Second things […]

Fantasy Geek Writing Writing Contests

NaNoWriMo 2014

I almost decided not to participate in the National Novel Writing Month this year. I missed over a week of writing time due to the elections (I was very busy for the first few weeks of November taking care of campaign-related issues). At the last minute, I decided that I would give it a try. […]

A-to-Z Challenge Books Geek Science Science Fiction Writing

A-to-Z Challenge Day Twenty-Four: Xenobiology

I had a busy day so I just wanted to briefly touch on an idea I had to write a book on alien biology and anatomy as if it were a real book. This idea first occurred to me when I was thinking of a realistic physiological explanation as to the green color of Spock’s […]

Geek Writing

The Challenges of Writing Part 2; or, Why Did I Ever Decide to Do This? (The Reckoning)

Okay, hyperbolic titles aside (for now), the last few weeks have seen me mired in pages of rough draft material in need of either a red pen or an X-ACTO knife (for when something has really got to go). The above picture is illustrative of the plight of the poor author. The story, which I […]

Geek Writing

Fictional Heuristics

So what’s all this business about “Fictional Heuristics” and why should I care? Well, gentle reader, I’ve decided to start a new blog that is separate from this one to post my fictional work. I thought about just posting it all here, but after consulting a few people I decided it would be wiser to […]

Geek Writing

Writing Questionnaire and Other Things

I snagged a questionnaire about writing from Jodie Llewellyn and thought I’d fill it out myself. It was actually really fun, and I got to take pictures and share them here. Well, here it goes! 1. Typed or Handwritten? I have piles of notebooks and binders filled with handwritten manuscripts and story ideas.  In fact, […]

Books Geek Writing

The Notebook as Mirror

About six years ago, when I was a sophomore at the University of Michigan with pie in the sky ideas about the things I might be able to do with a degree in English, I trudged along State street in Ann Arbor with a mission. My head was full of all of these stereotypical ideas […]